I've started buying things for Future.
Partly because, while there's only a few things you absolutely desperately NEED for a puppy, the amount of things you see and go "OMG! I should buy that for my puppy!" is vast.
Marley was a surprise, mostly. My mom was like "oh, hey, look at this puppy I saw on craigslist!" And he was in my lap the next morning.
Future has been anticipated, in various stages, for several years.
So once I knew we were finally in the home stretch.. I started planning.
Fast Forward. A few things have changed, and I may have a puppy coming home in June!
And I've started acquiring things.

First, for the winter holidays I got a Puppy Kong as a gift. Next, I bought a couple of Nylabones. One is for moderate chewers/teething puppies, and one is a durachew. Finally, I have a little squeaky, ball shaped mouse type critter. Its pink for valentines day. I'll probably acquire a million other toys between now and then.
I also have this thing. On one side there's a pocket to store like a rabies certificate or something. On the same side there is a note pad with a few sheets to write down your dogs information, your information, and vet contact. Has a few sheets, in case you move or change vets I guess. On the other is a "what we did today" notepad. Its small enough to fit in a purse or fanny pack, so conceivably, it could be used as a notepad to store training logs. I keep my final training logs in a flex notebinder, which is kind of a bear to carry around, but good for organization. I bought this organizer at a thrift store, so if I don't end up using it at all, no big loss.
There is also a bed, that will be good for a couple of weeks of use. It was originally bought for a very large cat, but he does not see the need to lower himself to the level of pet furniture. So it has never been used. I'm not sure how big Future will be, so I am waiting to buy his official bed until I have a clue!