Saturday, March 31, 2012

An Elemental Fitness Challenge

This challenge was cancelled, but was revived just in time! Yay!
Im talking about Get Off Your Broom. This challenge is called Spring Into Fitness and to be truly pagan-oriented the goals are based on the Elements.

So here are mine.

I personally associated Earth with food, because most food grows. If you eat meat, you are usually eating herbivores as well, so the earth in my mind is pretty relevant to our dining. So my earth goals are to pay more attention to my eating habits, and get an adequate ammount of protien. The second one is not usually a problem for most popl bt my body dosnt digest most protien sorces well at all so it is an issue for me.

Exercise the mind. I couldn't find a good association in my mind for air, besides say, cardio, but exercise in general seems to fit under fire for me, so this is it. A reminder to not focus on one thing to the exclusion off all others, a significant struggle for me.

Drink water, but not too much.
I'm restricting myself to drink only water for the duration of the challenge, with two exceptions. I can have one caffinated drink each day, and sports drink to balance my electrolytes, since I am very prone to fainting all summer long.

Bike for 30 minutes at least three times a week, excluding my commute.
Follow a strength training routine.
Pretty straightforward, I guess. The more mundane fitness stuff youd expect from any other challenge. I'm excluding my commutes to class and theatre geeky goodness because due to my town laws, the fact that my trips around are multi-stop, and not wanting to die, there's a lot of walking, stopping, and waiting at red lights. I need 30 minutes of actual bike time.

Complete the Be A Goddess book I have already started.
Meditate daily.
Walk barefoot daily.
None of these things seem particularly fitness related at the surface, but we need to be entire people, not just focused in one area. In my mind anyway. Being barefoot for me is deeply connecting and centering. My bendiness has called the quits on running for now, so I think its important to get in touch some other way.

I am sure many people have integrated their Pagan beliefs into the challenge far better than I have, so what are your goals in the challenge?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Be a Goddess!

I am reading Be A Goddess by Francesca De Grandis.
I have just started the second and I really like the visit layout. I have a bad habit of reading a book and reading over any hands on parts and going "Oh interesting! I should try that." and turning the page. This book reminds me not to do that. For sure, after I finish this one I have to go back to other books I have read and make sure to do the exercises.
Which brings me to another thing I like about this, something about the format makes me unlikely to read ahead.. in the few other books with a scheduled format I have read I've had a habit of reading way ahead of myself.

Well, that's all I have to say for now.
Blessed Be!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Where have I been?

Yeah, good question.
From the beginning..

Had to move out of our old apartment because the lease expired. Moved to a new town.

Started taking a class. Its mostly a huge energy drain (The other class members are all significantly older and give off vibes that they "own the class" and are always yelling back and forth. Not a conductive learning environment.) but I'm doing okay. Slowly learning some math, learning how much I love mathematical concepts even though I'm completely inept with the numbers.

Fell in love. Yay. :D

My mom went out of town for three months (She's still gone for another two.) Helping me to get my head screwed back on. (Trying to be as respectful as possible, she tells people to do things but whether you take her advice or not she gets very upset. For somebody who struggles figuring out people's meanings and intentions the inconsistency is terrifying.)

Moved out of the second apartment, because the city came in and condemned the entire apartment building for a mold problem. Ewww.

Decided the two moves in such a short period of time was a kick in the ass from Goddess. Decided to work on a viable career path, and go back to the goal I sort of got distracted from. Currently working on that, basically two things have to be lined up and I am headed Onward and Upward.

I hope to get to writing a little bit more on here as well. Maybe every two weeks or so.

Blessed Be.