Saturday, June 30, 2012

Progress and Procrastination

I have two more essays and a research paper to complete to be done with the Entrance class. Unfortunately I seem to have a monthly "motivation roadblock" which has totally derailed me. Explains why to date, I have accomplished absolutely nothing in my life. I am a freaking useless human being, except for that one week a month when I get shit done. Argh.
If I ever finish up this class I want to take the Basic Wicca class and the Cross Stitch Basics class. I do eventually want to take the degree program but I can't actually see myself accomplishing that.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Taking some classes.

I've joined The Magical Circle School, and I am currently almost done with the Entrance Class. I've learned a bit already. The entrance class is pretty involved so the actual classes are probably like college level. I've always been a knowledge devourer, and not so good at taking it and reforming it into coherent thoughts of my own. I definitely blend things that I have read into my own use, but I'm not really good at putting that together as something I could tell to another person or write down. Having to write a whole lot of essays should fix that eventually.